download zip archive 115.5 mb
artist: me raabenstein
title: r non033
format: digital artist album
release date: december 24, 2011
distributed by nonine recordings
01 sieg der liebe. horch (1997) - previously unreleased
02 boom chuck boys feat. gianna cheli. blackcap (2005) - previously unreleased
03 me & mrs bee. leonard scrunch (2003) - taken from the album ‚questionnaire‘
04 langer & raabenstein. 66 angel field (2008) - taken from the album ‚sourpuss‘
05 bartholomäus & raabenstein. a night out with nel foltz (1999) - taken from the 12“ ‚guten abend, gute nacht‘
06 david minor. ajaja rmx (2010) - previously unreleased
07 patron and patron. tunnel rmx (2003) - previously unreleased
08 subsequent feat festa. daglicht rmx(2006) - previously unreleased
09 me raabenstein. spirits (2011) - previously unreleased
10 boom chuck boys. holy (2004) - previously unreleased
11 the!she. feat. mark gisbourne. weekend squeeze (2007) - previously unreleased
12 slowcream feat. laura carleton. deep freeze, vocal version (2011) - previously unreleased
all tracks re-mastered by me raabenstein.
art work by
fifteen years of music production in twelve tracks.
me raabenstein looks back in time, with rare, unreleased tunes and remixes...
not much more to say, let the music speak for itself...
enjoy the melody !!!
me wants to thank in order of appearance -
andreas koslik, gianna cheli, laura braun, sebastian schreiber, uwe langer,
maxi jahn, paul kleber, thomas wydler, jörg miegel, ju bartholomäus,
david minor, frederik van de moortel, geer mussert, festa, mark gisbourne,
laura carleton , sebastian müller and most of all my beloved wife isabell simon,
who had to listen to this for so many years now, without complaining..
me raabenstein delivers a free download album retrospective of compositions from the past 15 years. arranged, focused (and defocused) experiments through time, the nonine label operator nostalgically flushes varied musical extrapolations — most of them previously unreleased, including remixes — forgoing barriers and creating new sub-genres along the way. interwoven soundtrack grooves, disjointed experiments and rhythmic clips flutter across darkened vocal samples, lost voices (multilingual in parts) and classical constructs. twelve tracks representing a cross-section of what could only be described as pure exploratory realms, me raabenstein’s audio-biography is detailed with clarity as it wisps by from 1997 — 2011. while difficult to really examine via words, 'r' balances itself as a vehicle with which a plethora of leftfield genres (funk, hip-hop, jazz, classical, exp-electronic, ambient/drone) are placed firmly in the reaches of a wide (and open-minded) audience.
pietro da sacco, igloomagazine, usa 01/12
l'eterno ritorno di me raabenstein, ma non in senso ebraico e neppure in termini di tematiche, è semplicemente che questo ragazzo belga trapiantato a berlino a quanto pare non riesce a star fermo e fra dischi suoi, collaborazioni e uscite altrui, è riuscito a dare alla nonine (la sua etichetta) una continuità ed una credibilità invidiabili. questa raccolta di pezzi lo vede coinvolto in diverse salse e con diversi moniker, dalle tracce a nome slowcream (uno dei suoi progetti che preferisco) ai lavori con altri. il disco invece di scadere nella semplice compilation con i pezzi che si susseguono senza troppa omogeneità stilistica, pur variando parecchio riescono ad amalgamarsi egregiamente, tant'è che durante i primi ascolti, senza aver letto né press sheet né nome dell'artista e quant'altro, credevo fosse un semplice lavoro in solo. resta che se non si tratta di un disco eterogeneo questo ditemi voi quale potrebbe esserlo, si passa del neo jazz di blackcap a nome boom chuck boys feat. gianna cheli alle soluzioni clubbing di leonard scrunch come me & mrs bee, dall'electro hip hop di daglicht rmx di subsequent feat. festa, alle tracce su cui navigano le parti spoken word o i campioni "ingombranti" come holy di nuovo dei boom chuck boys e spirits, a suo nome. l'influenza avant-jazz, club, neo-classica, cocktail, elettronica top class di raabenstein c'è e si sente, tant'è che alcuni di voi potrebbero trovare riferimenti a materiali usciti in diversi tempi su compost, sub rosa, !k7. vi ricordate quelle splendide compilation a titolo the future sound of jazz che faceva uscire la compost? bene, raabenstein da un certo punto di vista sviluppa il discorso proprio da quel punto e vista la gente che ci compariva sopra mi azzarderei a dire che già questo è un buon punto a suo favore. a volte certe soluzioni, certi generi e certe idee vengono dichiarati morti o demodè con troppa fretta. nulla si crea, nulla si distrugge, tutto si trasforma.
andrea ferraris, sodapop, italy 04/12
good compilation ! nice work. viva nonine !!!
cian ó cibháin, an taobh tuathail, ireland 02/12
nice to see and hear all these unreleased gems !!!
kerem gokmen, dubmission radio show, usa 01/12
thanks again, always surprising good music !!!
raphael sebbag, united future organization, japan 01/12
what's not there to like?! quite a bit of music here i never heard before from you. very diverse and many styles. you are a man of many talents, my friend...but then I think you knew that. :-)
velanche stewart, the urban landscape radioshow, usa 01/12
thanks a lot for this great release. 'r' is a wide spread collection of genre-blending music, coming from a forward-thinking musician in all its metamorphosis. brilliant!
pedro figueiredo portela, o dominio des deuses, portugal 01/12
die wahrscheinlich beste kompilation des jahres, die auf den genügsamen namen “r” hört, kommt von einem herren, den treueörer gut kennen werden: er ist der moderator der sendungen ”raabenstein” und “sensor”. die rede ist natürlich von martin eugen raabenstein - gründer von und wohl einer der emsigsten künstler auf nonine recordings. einstweilen im bereich der bildenden künste zuhause, treibt er mit verschiedenen projekten – u.a. me raabenstein, me & mrs bee, langer & raabenstein - sein feines, elektronisches wesen.
“r” hat die absicht zweierlei zu sein: einerseits ein weihnachtsgeschenk für alle audiophilen, die in dieser richtung nicht genug beschenkt wurden und andererseits ein musikalischer rückblick – nicht etwa auf das sich dem ende zuneigende 2011, sondern auf die letzten 15 jahre musikalischen schaffens von me! insbesonders unveröffentlichte tracks – früchte der vielen kooperationen mit verschiedensten künstlern des labels - sollen so das licht der welt erblicken.
was diese kompilation ganz besonders macht, ist ihre mannigfaltige heterogenität. die 15 jahre rückblick klingen fast schon etwas bescheiden – ein gefühltes jahrhundert musik wird hier komprimiert. da ist zunächst der mysteriöse opener “horch” (sieg der liebe), der sich mal als orchestergigantum, mal als spätklassisches, schubert’sches kammermusikstück präsentiert. es geht weiter mit jazz: sei es beseelter soul-jazz auf “leonard scrunch” (me & mrs bee), freejazz mit techno-anleihen auf “66 angel field” (langer & raabenstein) oder wurlitzer-jazz auf “tunnel” (patron and patron) – die liste scheint unendlich. und so spaziert der hörer ohne ziel, aber in großen schritten durch die genrelandschaft von nonine recordings. er findet minimalistischen techno à la moritz von oswald (“ajaja rmx”), mit elektronik untermalte poetik allen ginsbergs (“holy”) oder etheral wave auf dem überragendsten track des albums: “deep freeze” von slowcream feat. laura carleton – der weiblichen reinkarnation tom krell’s (how to dress well).
nach etwas weniger als einer stunde ist dann schluss. die einen werden noch einmal reinhören wollen, um überhaupt etwas zu verstehen. die anderen – und das sollte die mehrheit sein – werden nonine recordings zu einem der besten elektronischen musiklabels unserer zeit emporheben.
poyraz hannutoglu,, germany 12/11
sehr geil !
tim thaler,, germany 12/11
great !!!
guido halfmann, jazzthing, germany 12/11
on previous raabenstein releases...
e bravo il signor raabenstein!
vito camaretta, the vibes, italy
more bearable, more interesting and fascinating than 95 % of what is available elsewhere.
georg gartlgruber,, austria
it is far too intelligent example to be popular or inspire a movement but maintains a cogent atmosphere throughout and is a gem that will travel far with the listener. by far the best listening i have had this year.
innerversitysound, cyclic defrost, australia
gracieuse, vibrante, enveloppante., canada
it is much easier to suggest that the music speaks for itself...
jaklumen, weheartmusic, usa
raabenstein eschews blatant dance music-related rhythms altogether.
ron schepper, textura, canada
ich mag diese art der pathosfreien unangestrengtheit.
harry lachner, swr2 jazzmagazin, germany
überzeugt durch die suggestive kraft dieser ungeheuerlichen sound-kraterlandschaften.
stefan niederwieser, the gap, austria
look at these hands!
darryl norsen, foxy digitalis, usa
cinematic and smilingly strong articulated example of work.
dan crossley, fluid radio, uk
a delightful composition that takes on the modern classical realm and shows what can be done with clear and careful collaboration.
greg norte, the silent ballet, usa
various interesting ideas in another captivating outing by an inquisitive musician.
massimo ricci, touching extremes, italy
so it really just depends on whether or not you're up for this type of bizarre, dreamlike trip.
paul simpson, foxy digitalis, usa
just make sure you get to it before the marketing men plunder and gut it to provide soundtracks for car ads.
oli simpson,
promeneur virtuose dans les entrelacs impitoyables et mortifères de nos insomnies oniriques.
fabrice vanoverberg, les passions de fab, belgium
undeniably contemporary.
the milk man, the milkfactory, uk
a suo modo si tratta di un disco sexy, anche semplicemente per i testi ultraminimali e che vengono snocciolati in una perfetta ambientazione da black dahlia nel corso delle varie tracce.
andrea ferraris,, italy
das ist richtig gut gemacht und äußerst geschmackvoll.
asb, de:bug, germany
generell find ich die nonine releases immer sehr interessant...
matthias desch, bogaloo radioshow, germany
i couldn't stop listening !!!
ruben koster, netherlands