nonine recordings

non013. neubau. rymdmyr (digital artist album)

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non013. neubau. rymdmyr (digital artist album)
download: zip archive 104,49 mb | 320kbps drm-free mp3s | 800×800px cover jpg | pdf-info

artist: neubau
title: rymdmyr
cat. no. non013
release date: july 07, 2008
distributed by nonine recordings
01 isregn
02 plast 1 - naera. mycket naera, men
03 den inre solvaenda
04 plast 2 - fragrance shed
05 nyans
06 helljus
07 rymdmyr
08 nysnoeyra
09 rymdmyr (me raabenstein rework)

all tracks written and produced by arno steinacher
vocals in nyans by lisa kärcher, mixed by arno steinacher, mastered by shapemod, berlin

neubau (arno steinacher) started composing at the age of 12, playing guitar and selfmade instruments in several improvisational projects. working more in the electronical music terrain these days, neubau is focussed on the implementation of scientific theories, ideas and models into his music, both in structural and metaphorical context.

concentratet on the interior of sounds, his arising fractal structures expose when microscopic sonic architectures enlarge, zoomed into yet undiscovered audible landscapes, colourful no man’s lands and exceptionaly constructed mathematical sound rooms.

listening to neubau‘s music one runs into sound panoramas of markets underlying splashes of self pity inside closed white chambers, touched by human voices speaking with dispensable content, finally escaping with the sound of walking through a snowy field ... neubau‘s accessible structuring methods turn inside out when the working process palpably causes the result and vice versa.

liner notes by me raabenstein

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